Wednesday, January 23, 2013


There are numerous pools, but lots of lounges. No trouble finding a suitable. 2 for 1 Happy Hour poolside yesterday.

The good life

Sunshine - ocean breezes. - poolside drinks and swims. - excellent meals. Tassel ans Ms T having a lovely vacation.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Colder and then ...

Snow has stopped and the trip to the airport later today shouldn't be too difficult.  Head west, meet up with friends and then on the weekend head to Mexico.  Do you suppose Tassel could entertain the senoritas.  He looks gallant but can he get up gracefully ?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thinking of ...

... Warmer Climes.  Guess where Tassel and Ms T are heading in a few days ?  There will probably be a hiatus in my Blog Postings.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Search

Will dig into the files and see what I can find.  It's about time to take a hiatus, but while I'm still at the desktop, I might as well send a couple of things aloft.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Coasting 3

Couldn't resist another coasting cartoon.  Ms T's love of speed gets her in trouble with the law.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Weekend Cartoons


          A Reminder: You can enlarge a cartoon by clicking on it.  Press Esc
          to return to the full page or post.  Those who are new may not know this.)

Most of the time, we are having fun and trying to look our best.  There are times, however, when a cold or the flu causes a blip on the radar. I like to think that a little humour still helps; here are three cartoons that depict such times:

Speed Bumps

Yesterday I posted one of my favourite cartoons - Ms T and Tassel coasting.  I liked it so much that I decided to draw another one.  MacKenzie joined them on this downhill excursion.  Speed bumps aren't the only thing that can slow one down.  Ms T knows all the back roads and short cuts in Kings county, but sometimes things don't work out as planned.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

iPad Test

Trying to see if I can post from my iPad. Just downloaded a Blogger App and I will send a couple of cat pictures aloft. One shows my diligent watch cats on guard duty; the other, shows Sam determined that I will not go away again.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Mixed Bag

Posting tomorrow's cartoons tonight.  Then I can sleep in tomorrow.  :)  First another comment, and my last, on the NHLers:

 Ms. T. likes driving.  Earlier I imagined her on a toboggan, and today I began to wonderr how she will get along without being behind the wheel for several weeks on a trip to Mexico.

Cats and a Dog Again

Ms T informs me that MacKenzie had a much better night.  Yesterdays needles must be kicking in.  The above cartoon reflects our worry, and we're feeling better about her this morning.  Below:  Cats adjust quickly to having people around, and they miss someone when they've left.  After all, two caregivers are better than one.

Just dicovered I'd repeated one.  Must be a sign of old age, and it may happen again, but I'll post a new one this time. After carefully getting MacKenzie attired in her rainwear, she wasn't sure she wanted to go out.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Get Well Card for MacKenzie

MacKenzie has been ailing a bit, a virus that's being treated.  Will give her Best Wishes through a couple of cartoons, one new and one old.

            (  Did you know ?  If you find the cartoons too small, especially the print,
              you can click on them and enlarge.  Then press escape to return to
              the normal-sized blog. )

        MacKenzie lives a good life - rules the roosts and has her own personal gourmet chef.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

NHL - Who cares ?

The announcement that the billionaire owners and the millionaire players have reached an agreement may have been exciting news to the sports announcers and the vendors who have been deprived of a decent living by said billionaires and millionaires, but for many of us who were once hockey fans, it is of little interest.  It did offer a subject for a couple of cartoons.  I'll post tomorrow's cartoons tonight.

Sam and Babe

Sam and Babe are Professor Tassel's main care-givers, and he theirs.  We adopted them when a nephew's grandson proved to be allergic to cats.  We had always had cats, and these two have fit into a great tradition of amusing and loving cats.  They are not too pleased about my recent travels and they were not amused on the weekend that Ms T and MacKenzie visited Archibald Street.  We're hoping they will give MacKenzie a better reception some time in the future.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sunday Morning Cartoon

This seemed funny and was true when I created the cartoon, Later, however, I found a way to change the time zone and save it.  Therefore, now my Blog and I are in sync and  am no longer a man ahead of his time.  :

Driving with MS T - 2

Can I find a few more cars or Driving Cartoons ?  Although Ms T has a white car, I prefer to place her in a more colorful one.  Red seems to be preferred but I see I have her in a blue one driving through Kentville. Drawing the car is fun, but the more interesting challenge is drawing Tassel and Ms T and placing them in the car, and if it is appropriate, to allow the scenery to be seen through the windows.

Morning Cartoon

Often Ms T receives a morning cartoon so that her day begins with a smile.  They are often drawn a bit in haste or put together at bed time.  Here is this morning's effort:  Sam and Babe were excited to hear that a Blog was in the works.  Of course, they are part of Tassel and Company.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Driving with Ms T - 1

Ms T likes to drive.  She often drives fast but she's a good driver.  She also knows the roads well, and frequently we take unannounced short cuts.  MacKenzie and I have to be alert - and sometimes hang on for dear life! :)

Kenzie Cartoons 1 (Early)

A new person in your life is one thing; a new person with a dog is an additional bonus.  As a cat person, I was suddenly  introduced to a new world of walks, pee-mail, and such things.  Kenzie, however,  is a special little lady, and her cartoon persona took shape quite quickly.  Here are three or four of the early cartoons.

Donnellan's Brook (July)

The first cartoons at Donnellan's Brook merged drawings into photographs..  We see Tassel  and Ms. T with their iPads, Tassel both relaxing and getting a bit of exercise walking Kenzie, and Tassel  losing out in the battle for sunshine.  Oh, I prefer shade anyway.  Ms T and Donnellan's Brook made a good summer much much better.

A Christmas Card Beginning

To introduce my characters, I will use a Facebook and e-mail Christmas Card I created.

Here is the happy family dressed in their finery:  Tassel, Ms T, and the happy carollers: Kenzie, Sam and Babe.

Since I have switched to Google chrome, I seem to be able to add pictures.  What worked once, should work again and I will try it.  I will find a cartoon for your amusement; then, I must get on to more mundane matters.

Now to publish these and see how this post looks in cyperspace.  Have a Good day !

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Return to cyberspace

Tassel has decided to return to cyberspace.  For a year, some time ago, creator Neil Fisher and Professor Tassel made weekly or daily posts.  These were to reflect on life in Truro, Nova Scotia and recall the days of the Nova Scotia Teachers College where the two of them taught. It was a Professor Tassel blog.

This time Tassel moves on to other adventures.  Having found a kindred spirit on the rocks of Donnellan's Brook, Tassel seems to be wooing this fair maiden through the media of cartoons.

I had hoped to introduce the main characters - Tassel, Ms T, MacKenzie, Sam and Babe, but Blogger doesn't seem to want me to upload cartoons from my computer as I remember doing.  It will no doubt be sorted out in due time - either that or Tassel will fall flat on his face and not be airborne at all.