Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Back Scratching

Most times that I take MacKenzie for a walk, she finds some spot where she drops down and ecstatically enjoys rolling over and over and twisting and scratching her back.  I like the way this cartoon captures those moments.

Three Car Posts

Thursday, October 24, 2013


I'm not completely obsessed with cats and dogs; sometimes the human experience tweeks the pen of the cartoonist:

Two MacKenzie Cartoons

As I adjust to having a dog, especially on the weekend when I was dog-sitting, MacKenzie seems to be at the centre of my mind and my cartooning.  Sometimes she's on her own and sometimes she is on the couch, but who is couunseling whom I don't know.  MacKenzie has an ol' "pinkie blanket" which is a comfort to her, but as she curls up beside me I wonder if I'm replacing it at times.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The couch

Frequently the couch seems to be the setting for my cartoons.  The next two show MacKenzie and me on the couch in the living room.  It is both a comfort and the psychologist's chair.  Sometimes she is the counsellor and I am the patient; sometimes, the other way round.  MacKenzie and I frequently change places. (Anytime I leave, she moves to the warmed up spot.)

Sunday, October 13, 2013