Thursday, March 28, 2013

Two Easter Bunnies

Usually I post an Easter bunny card with the bunny hopping down the bunny trail and wishing everyone a "Hoppy Easter."  I see my Bunnies are not hopping this year, but the greeting is the same.  "Have a Hoppy Easter" and a great weekend..  Cheers!

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Couple of Apple Cartoons

Must be reverting to my Annapolis Valley roots.  By the way, "Northern Spy" is a variety of apple, like Cortland and MacIntish.  I may think of some others for my Spoiled Apples Series. :)  Cheers.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A couple of MacKenzie Cartoons

Since MacKenzie was the main focus, Ms. T got cut off.
No, I'm not a magician, but the cartoon seems more balanced
this way.  An alternate caption for the first cartoon would be:
"We won't be walking far with her in those boots! "
(Remember, you can enlarge the cartoon by clicking on it.)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Irish Sketches

To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, Tassel dressed in green as did his companions.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Drawing Sam

Before going on to today's cartoon, a reminder that clicking on an item should enlarge it.  Then clicking on the black outside the blog page should return things to normal.

When one creates a character, one of the preliminary sketches takes over and you know that's the one.  After finishing that so that your character is more or less settled in your mind, you need to turn him or her around.  I've tried to do this with Sam, one of the pets who appear in my cartoons from time to time.  I've recovered some of the drawings used in creating Sam, but noticed how different the orange coats were; I've settled on one colour here..

Thursday, March 14, 2013

More Tassel

Haven't posted anything for several days.  Cartoonist and guest went to an art show, attended a Seniors Dance, enjoyed an Irish social and attended a hockey game.  Cartoonist on vacation.\ Here were a couple shots of Tassel, the second drawn shortly after we returned from Mexico and forgotten about.  The first inspired by a series of ads on the Tournament of Hearts and the Briar.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Two Car Cartoons

Knowing Ms. T's love of cars and driving, I've created a couple of cartoons with high-end cars featured.  Hope they don't mind my using their pictures.  I got the second one fused in better. Live and learn and practice, I guess.  (By the way, Ms. T's maiden name was Bentley.

Friday, March 8, 2013


People may throw the ball, but MacKenzie has her own rules about how to play the game.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Tassel Time

After being away, if I want to draw a cartoon quickly, I turn to Tassel,
who I can draw quickly and who usually has something to say.
Some times it's amusing, but he's never at a loss for a smart remark.